Monday, 12 March 2012

Photograms Developed

After completing the first set of photograms, they stayed linked to the main idea of childhood, linking the objects to possibly memories, although further through the first experiment I began testing the light through transparent objects and the light exposure of these.
I then re-visited the dark room and made a list of different ideas and developments I could make using similar objects from before. Some ideas were to double the exposure of the original time, place the paper into water and expose objects image through moving water, move the object across the paper when exposing to the light, solarisation; when the print is exposed to sudden when in the developer, scrunching the paper before exposure, and brushing the developer onto the paper once exposed.

An example of these experiments were stuck into my sketch book shown below:

From the images also, you can see the comments I wrote along my prints. These show the amount of time exposed to light and the result from it. Each one is different and experimented in different ways and for different reasons.

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