Monday, 23 April 2012

Film Outcome

After evaluating my time and my final outcome, here below is a combination of all the videos I filmed within each mini task. I have separated Tianna and Cara, to show two different selections of their videos. There is a specific order which is similar for both of them but due to Tianna being younger she became easy restless and bored which affected my choices for what I decided to video her doing. Although due to Cara being older, there were more possibilities for recording, such as looking at photos which provide specific memories, compared to Tianna who does not have this to share. 

This first video is Tianna's, with looking at what I asked her to do first, leading through to her garden and why she loves it so much. 

This video is Cara's, containing the selection of videos, with her looking at the images she took to ones of old memories in a family album.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Mobile Outcome

Below are images of my mobile I have constructed and finalised, from different angles showing the layout and the positioning of the images on each pole.

I feel the mobile was very successful and is a good representation of the concepts which I have thought through and developed. With looking into difference ages and experimenting with memories and favourites, the mobile is a tactile way to look hands on through the images and make a physical connection with both Tianna and Cara. 

Monday, 16 April 2012

Mobile- Why I did what I did

A mobile originally used above babies cots, is filled with distracting colours and hanging objects.

This was my original idea, to create a mobile which could be hung and images or even sentimental objects could have been hung from. Linking to shadows, having a light in the middle with the objects and images around it to create shadows. This then could have incorporated both the shadow and childhood idea which I had from the beginning. 

When putting ideas together and realistic ways of creating this mobile, the easiest way would have been to have a base; this idea was more successful. With estimating the amount of images being used and calculating how many you could fit onto each 'branch' resulted in deducting the number of images used. This was because of the amount I had printed were far too many to realistically fit onto the mobile without it looking to overcrowded. 3 on each branch and 8 branches seem to work; and being even made it easier to construct. 

When using both Tianna and Cara I was going to merge the images together and make one big mobile, creating a combination of their past and personalities. But then I felt it would have been more effective separating the two sets of images to help establish who's is who's. Another thought was to have two 'tree's' on one base, but the calculations showed that it would be very wide and high. This idea was dismissed. 

The final idea came about by having one 'tree' but with two sections, one higher and one lower. Cara's photos are at the top, and Tianna's photos are below. The significance of having Cara at the top is mainly because she is older and Tianna is younger. Cara is older so would have more memories and better memory of  her past, whereas Tianna still has most of her life to come. As you get older, you tend to realise a lot of the truth and why things happen, for Tianna she lives in an adventure of her own.

Once the mobile was made, other little ideas such as the colour of the thread, having their own photo on the end, what order to have the images in, how longer was the thread going to be and so on.

The colour of the thread was determined by both Cara and Tianna. I asked them what there favourite colour(s) were and this was to be used for the mobile. Cara said pastel green or green, and Tianna said blue and black. These were then used to hang up the images on the branches.

Only a select few of their own images were used on the mobile, ones that they particularly liked were also written on with a reason why they liked it. These were then sorted through carefully, spreading each image around to ensure none similar were near. 4 of their images were used and they all were used on the end of the branch; this is to make it more obvious and to stand out from the rest. Considering their images have no border and have writing on the back.

The length of the thread was improvised, although each image on a branch were at different, each branches were similar. Once I had attached all the images to the branches, due to their being quite a few pictures hung, I wanted to make it as less busy as possible; I did this by trimming the ends of the thread once tied onto the branches.

Process of Mobile

Here are photos of further process to complete the mobile, they show the more significant stages of the process.

Selection process for putting 8 groups of 3 images together, ensuring none duplicate too close together.

Hole punching the images in order to fit the thread through the image to hang up.

Beginning of the hanging process, making sure they are the correct heights.

Significant colours linking to Tianna and Cara's favourite.

Last two images sum up the last stages of putting the images onto the poles. The process for adding the photos to the poles was very simple and easy to complete. 

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Development Ideas

My next development from the previous project I felt could have been either of two options. From all the videos I have recorded I wanted to originally put together a mixture of the two trips to the beach, along with the videos and their images to follow in a short video clip. Or create a installation or model of some sort which hung the images they and I had captured.

From the start I had looked into making a baby mobile, one that hangs above their heads with objects and other bits hanging. This linked to the early stages of childhood and how we were mesmerised by the colours and texture on the certain objects. With no knowledge of what it was, as babies we would always get amused by the smallest of things.

I want to develop my ideas from the disposable camera project more and create something to some everything up. Either one of these ideas will include certain skills I am willing to experiment on. Although with limited time left of the exam I would need to estimate the amount of time left I have, and how long it would take me to either idea.

Process of Mobile

Making this mobile was really simple and quick to assemble, here are photos which show the process of creating it. After designing the structure I worked along a sign maker to put the mobile together.

Tianna Videos

I completed this next step the same as Cara, with filming her shouting/saying reasons why she liked the certain images she took from the trip to the beach. Her answers are very short and sweet, showing her resistance to me videoing her, but also her age and lack of in-depth knowledge to broaden her answers. To see these clips, they are on the short film: Click Here

The videos truly show her character and personality; loud, funny and easily distracted, comparing her answers to Cara's there is a vast difference and shows the contrast in maturity levels and the stages of development between a certain period of time. With being aged 6 and having fun compared to aged 17 and concentrating on creating a more professional photo.

Tianna Favourite

I asked Tianna to show me toys, games or objects which are her favourite, with each one having a different reason. For Tianna because of being 6, these do not have any sentimentality attached to it just child like reasoning. For Tianna there are no depth explanations why she likes them or would call them her favourite, she just 'likes them'. 

The images below shows the toy/object which are one of Tianna's favourite, I videoed her explaining why she likes them. This is seen in the short film: Click Here. I selected a few videos which I felt showed her character more clearly, compared to some others, also Tianna had a wide selection of favourites so I narrowed down the ones I wanted to include into the short film. The videos which I left on this post are the ones I have not included into the short film, for a variety of reasons. 

Tianna Garden

For Cara she has many family memories and past experiences which help her to connect with her garden. On the other hand, Tianna loves her garden just as much, but for opposite reasons. She explains herself its a place that has many different fun games and activities she can play there. The swing for her is the best place in the garden but altogether its a place she can have a child like adventure. 
The videos show her explaining why she loves her garden and swing, of which they were edited into the short film: Click Here

Tianna Bedroom

For the same reasons as Cara, I photographed her room in order to see any connections with her personality and age. Just from the first 3 images, they show her girlishness, from the pink everything, bunting, books, and trinket boxes. This shows at her age the beginning of independent choices and the start of her own opinion; what she likes and doesn't. Compared to Cara who being a lot older, she has matured in her opinions and decisions. She now has found what she likes and wants from life... Tianna has this yet to come, so the images show her child like life. 

Tianna Videos

I completed the same process for Tianna like I did for Cara. I began with videoing Tianna saying what she was asked to do, you can see this in the short film: Click Here

Cara Videos

My next couple of videos are of Cara picking two images that she took which she has a memory linked to. This could show a connection when she was taking the image at the beach with the memory she thought of through the video process. At an older age you have the ability to remember back and connect past with the future, like de ja vu.

I only chose the video about being pushed into the water in my short film, you can see this here: Click Here

Cara Old Photos

Here below are a couple of images, which link to Cara's past and memories. She selected a couple of more significant photos in an old family album which she could connect with and share an important memory. Along with the image, I again videoed her sharing her memories from that specific moment in her life. The clips you can find on the short film: Click Here. I only selected two clips which I felt were her most important or favourite memory/old photo. 

Here is a clip I have not included in the short film, 

Cara Favourites

I asked Cara to search for toys, games, or objects which are more sentimental and mean something to her. This then led me to filming her explaining why its so important to her, and the reason's why, most often she had a memory to link to it. The first two images were the videos which I included into the short film. You can see these clips here: Click Here. I chose these ones as they showed Cara's character and past memories more clearly.

This specific game, I also filmed her explaining what memories she had linked to Top Trumps, I didn't include this into the short film due to technical reasons, the film throughout was slightly off focus. 

Here was another game she had a memory linked to, I didn't choose this video clip only for length purposes, although it showed another clear past memory with her dad. 

Cara Bedroom Photos

A person's room can always speak a thousand words about a their character and personality. Especially if  they have numerous of things pinned up on their wall; like Cara. I photographed her room hoping to capture glimmers of her childhood and certain things she has held on to. Even from the image below it shows a whole wall covered in images from past events that she has felt sentimental to her. Reminding her every day of the people and memories she holds on to.